3D/HSBS Version: Evil 7 VorpX Setup Guide: guide (Improved FOV): https. Watch it first, then go to this update video: update provides a way to get a larger fie. 24-Stunden-Express Lieferung, 0% Finanzierung möglich Resident Evil 7 in VR mit der HTC Vive am PC !!! - Playlist - Steam-Link UPDATE: This tutorial is still valid. If you like horror games and don’t mind tweaking settings and have a 1080ti and good computer set up for gaming go for it.Hier finde Sie es - und das zum Top-Preis Virutal Realityheadsets Topseller günstig bestellen! Jede Woche neue Angebote. It was good enough for me and actually I would play it again this way everyones different so it really is a subjective matter. So many variables if not adjusted correctly will just not get you there. I was able to get overall quality pretty decent but definitely not buttery smooth if you need that then I wouldn’t bother or maybe a certain setting on my computer or in game was off. If you need more details with set up please ask quickly because I’ve already moved on to a new game using vorpx an old favorite I’m trying and less stressful. Game play, and story are fantastic yet I feel to difficult even on easy setting in VR if your playing using VorpX and first time play through or 2nd.

If your talking about performance, resolution, scaling. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by Quality. It is definitely not a plug and play experience especially not with the Pimax. I’ll try to answer your question and as with anything I would say it improves directly with the amount of time your willing to invest in getting it set up correctly. Just wanted to add this here from comments to a fellow Pimax user in a pm this am about RE7 and my experience using VorpX and the Pimax 8k in regards to quality.